











Wahl, Conrad



born on / in:

10 June 1814

Bavaria / Berleburg / CA Germany / Germany / France / Schüllar


baptized on / in:





Catholic. Jason Wahl, Ohio, USA, great-great-great-grandson of Conrad Wahl, writes: Conrad is buried in the front row of a Catholic Church. So I am certain, he was Catholic, not Protestant.

died on / in:

24 June 1857

Center Township, Monroe, Ohio, United States


buried on / in:




Job/ Profession:



The following remarks and lists sum up the research results of 49 users published in ancestry.de. The summary closes with a personal evaluaton of the published results as well as a conclusion on the basis of the research until now.


Predominantly 10 June 1814 is given as his birth date. Alternatively there are mentioned 10 May 1814, just May 1814, the year 1815 or around 1815.


Overall ancestry-uses state that Conrad Wahl was born in Germany. In one source Bavaria is mentioned, in another France. Two users give Berleburg or Schüllar as his birth place. The others state either CA Germany (27) or Germany (18).

Grave-stone on the graveyard in Monroe

The date or his death is also controversial. Predominantly it is believed to be 24 June 1857. Alternative dates are 24 July 1857 or 6 July 1900.


Generally, Center, Monroe, Ohio, United States is given as the place of his death. Exceptions are Center Twp, Centerview and Woodsfield, both with the additional information Monroe, Ohio, USA.

Evaluation of the data sheets

In the data sheets published on ancestry.de the following fathers of Conrad Wahl are offered:

Johann Henrich Wahl (1778 – 1839)

Johann Jakob Wahl (1766 – 1839)

Johannis Philippus Wahl (1773 – 1839)

Johannis Wahl (without dates)

Johannis Wahl (1773 – 1839)

Johannis Wahl (1778 – 1839)

Johannis Wahl (1823 - )

32 users provide no information about his wife.

Johann Henrich Wahl (1778 – 1839)

In one case Johann Henrich Wahl (1778 – 1839) is stated as his father. He was married to Sophia Henk, as document 213-HR from the marriage registry in the church community of Berleburg dated 05 April 1796 proves. The couple had 9 children, whose births are documented. There is no son named Conrad among them.

Johann Jakob Wahl (1766 – 1839)


Johann Jakob Wahl (1766 – 1839), son of Georg Christian Wahl und Katharina Elisabeth Stöcker, allegedly married to Sophia Wahl (23. Mai 1790 – 11. January 1858) as well as to Maria Gertrud Herling (1763 – 1790) and – after their deaths – to her sister Anna Gertrud Herling (1790 – 1828).


Fact is that Johann Jakob Wahl was married to Maria Gertrud and Anna Gertrud (1770 (!) – 1828) Herling. In both marriages altogether 9 children were born. There is no son named Conrad among them. A marriage to Sophia Wahl is not mentioned in the documents.

Johannis Wahl (1773 – 1839)


Two users give the name of Johannis Wahl (1773 – 1839) as his father. In the Miller Family Tree there is no information about his parents. In the Amy horne family tree Johannes Wahl and Maria Magdalena Richstein are stated. In both cases the birth dates match with the ones of Johannes Philipp Wahl; this has to be rejected as a mistake. However, the dates of their deaths are not identical. Johannes Philipp Wahl died 05 December 1835.


In both cases Anna Sophia Wahl (1790 – 1858) is mentioned as his wife. The names of her parents are not known.


Fact is that Johannes Wahl and Maria Magdalena Richstein had no sons with the names Johann Jakob or Johannes Philipp. Their children were named Ludwig Friedrich, born 1775 und Johann Henrich, born 01 January 1778, who died on 07 March 1839.

Johannis Wahl (without dates)

According to ancestry.de , the parents of Johannis Wahl (without dates) are not known.

Johannis Philippus Wahl (1773 – 1839)

According to ancestry.de, Johannis Philippus Wahl (1773 – 1839), the alleged son of Johannes Wahl (1747 - ) and Maria Magdalena Richstein, was married to Anna Sophia Wahl (1768 – 1858) with whom he is said to have had 3 children.


However, in reality Johannes Philipp Wahl was a son of Johann Georg Wahl and Anna Elisabeth Fischer. Fact is that he died on 05 December 1835. The date 07 March 1839 refers to Johann Henrich Wahl, named Hammermann.


Additionally, it is proven that Johann Philipp was married to Anna Maria (Margarete) König, with whom he had 9 children. There is no son named Conrad among them.

Johannis Wahl (1778 – 1839)


According to Brooke’s Family Tree, Johannis Wahl (1778 – 1839) was married to Sophia (without dates). Bush / Brown Family Tree and Gredy Family mention Sophia (1790 – 1858) as his wife. Leopold and Fisher Family Tree talk about Sophia Henk (1779 – 1938). In the Clarc Family Tree and Lingamen Gedcom it is believed to be Anna Sophia Vick (1790 – 1858). In the Keollner Family Tree it is Sophia Wahl. With the exception of the Leopold and Fisher Family Tree there are no parents mentioned. Another exception is Lingamen Gedcom, who believes that Johannis Wahl died on 07 March 1839.


Brooke’s Family Tree mention Johannis Wahl and Maria Magdalena Richstein as parents (both without any dates). In the Clarc Family Tree and the Keollner Family Tree it is believed that Johannes Wahl (1747 - ) and Maria Richstein are his parents.


Finally, Leopold and Fisher Family Tree state Johannes Wahl (1747 - ) and Anna Maria Richstein (1750 - ) as parents. The date of the death of their son Johann Henrich is identical with the one of Johannis Wahl.

Johannis Wahl (1823 – )


In the case of Johannis Wahl (1823 (!) – ) there is no comment necessary.

Evaluation of the data sheets

There is contradictory information about Conrad Wahl’s mother, too: Anna Sophia Vick (1790 – 1858)

Anna Sophia Wahl (1768 – 1858)

Anna Sophia Wahl (1790 – 1858)

Sophia (without dates)

Sophia (1790 – 1858)

Sophia Henk (1779 – 1839)

Sophia Vick (1825 – )

Sophia Wahl (without dates)

Sophia Wahl (1790 – 1858)

In 32 cases there is no information provided about his mother.

Anna Sophia Vick (1790 – 1858)

According to ancestry.de, Anna Sophia Vick (1790 – 1858) was married to Johannis Wahl (1778 – 1839). The fact that the dates match leads to the conclusion that Anna Sophia Vick, Anna Sophia Wahl (1790 – 1858) und Sophia (1790 – 1858) refer to the same person.


The years given for Johannis Wahl (1778 – 1839) match with those

of Johann Henrich Wahl. However, the latter was married to Sophia Henk, as proven by the marriage registry of Berleburg for the year 1796. Among their children there is no Conrad.

Anna Sophia Wahl (1768 – 1858)


According to ancestry.de, Anna Sophia Wahl (1768 – 1858) was the daughter of Georg Wahl and Anna Elisabeth Schneider, the alleged wife of Johannis Philippus Wahl (1773 – 1830) with whom she is supposed to have had the children Ludwig (1807 – 1849) and Conrad.


In reality she was married to Johann Jost Weyand (1768 – 1893) and – after his death – to Johann Heinrich Weyand (1774 – 1827), both of them were from Schameder. It is finally true that Ludwig Wahl’s parents were Johann Henrich Wahl and Sophia Henk, which is proved by the document 138-GR (birth registry Berleburg 1807).


The question whether it is possible for Anna Sophia Wahl with her 46 years of age to become a mother, might be decided the dear reader.

Anna Sophia Wahl (1790 – 1858)


In Amy horne family tree Anna Sophia Wahl’s (1790 – 1858) parents are Georg Wilhelm Wahl (1727 – 1775) and Anna Elisabeth Schneider (1726 – 1803). Although the couple had two children with the name Anna Sophie, born on 21 June 1767 and on 16 September 1768, there is no mentioning of a daughter named Anna Sophia, who – according to ancestry.de – was born on 23 May 1790 (!).


In Miller Family Tree no parents of Anna Sophia Wahl are stated.


In both cases Johannis Wahl, born on 14 November 1773 in Schüllar, is mentioned as her husband. Amy Horne family tree gives the extra information that that there were children Hermann Sommer and Ludwig Wahl (additionally to Conrad).


According to the sources, Hermann Sommer is the illegitimate child of  Sophie Sommer, who was married to Johann Philipp Wahl on 15 Mai 1814. On the basis of the data sheet one can see that the couple did not have a child named Conrad.

Sophia (without dates)


According to ancestry.de, Sophia’s parents, who was married to Johannis Wahl (1778 – 1839), are not known. The stated years of Johannis Wahl are identical with those of Johann Henrich Wahl. Obviously she is falsely mistaken for Sophia Henk.

Sophia (1790 – 1858)


Bush / Brown Family Tree and Grady Family Tree state that Sophia (1790 – 1858) is Conrad Wahl’s mother. Sophia’s parents are obviously unknown.


In fact, Sophia was the daughter Johann Johann Jakob Wahl and Maria Elisabeth Herling. She was married to Johann Jost Weyandt from Erndtebrück on 25 January 1811.

Sophia Henk (1779 – 1839)


Sophia Henk (1779 – 1839) was married to Johann Henrich Wahl, as proven by document 213-HR. The couple had 9 children whose birth dates are documented. A son named Conrad is not among them.

Sophia Vick (1825 – )


With respect to Sophia Vick (1825 (!) – ) as well as with reference to her alleged husband Johannis Wahl (1823 – ), there is no comment necessary.

Sophia Wahl (without dates)


Johannis Wahl (1778 – 1839) is mentioned as the husband of Sophia Wahl (without dates). Parents are unknown. On this basis, it has to be concluded that she is identical with Anna Sophia Vick (1790 – 1858), Anna Sophia Wahl (1790 – 1858) and Sophia (1790 – 1858).

Sophia Wahl (1790 – 1858)


Sophia Wahl (1790 – 1858), is obviously identical with Anna Sophia Vick (1790 – 1858), Anna Sophia Wahl (1790 – 1858) and Sophia (1790 – 1858). According to ancestry.de, she was married to Johann Jakob Wahl (1766 – 1839); her parents are not mentioned.


In fact, her parents were Johann Jakob Wahl and Maria Elisabeth Herling. She was married to Johann Jost Weyandt (1786 – 1846).


wife/ husband:

Greiner, Margaret (Maria Catherina Margaretha / Mary / Mary Catherine Margaretta / Mary Katherine Margaretta)


born on / in:

15 June 1818

Alsace, France


married on / in:

21 January 1838

Belmont, Ohio, United States


died on / in:

06 July 1900

Center, Monroe, Ohio, United States



Without any exception Johannes Francis Greiner (Alsace) und Catherine Schneider (Germany) are stated as her parents.

evaluation of the data sheets

There is a slight variation with respect to the first names of the husband if one looks at ancestry.de.




evaluation of the data (list of ancestry-users)


evaluation of the data (list of the children)

However, with respect to number, names and dates of the children there are remarkable differences. The numbers in the last column show how often these names are mentioned in the data sheets.



Wahl, Molly


1838 – 1928

Wahl, Maria Katherine


1840 – 1910

Wahl, George


1840 – 1910

Wahl, Johannes George


1841 – 1917

Wahl, Mary (Catherine)


1842 – 1921

Wahl, Lena / Magdalena „Lena“ / Magdalena /

Magdalene (Lena)


1843 – 1948

Wahl, Tillia Conrad


1844 – 1933

Wahl, Lena Magdalena


1845 – 1922

Burkhart, Barbara


1847 – 1917

Wahl, George


1847 – 1917

Wahl, John


1849 – 1922

Wahl, Barbara


1850 – 1858

Wahl, Christina


1851 – 1972

Wahl, Adam


1854 – 1942

Wahl, Peter


1855 - ?

Wahl, Hannah


1855 - 1933

Wahl, Johanna Hannah


1857 – 1955

Wahl, Philomena




The evaluation of all information about Conrad Wahl and his parents shows that ancestry.de may sometimes lead to an unchecked collection of data which is then inserted into the family trees – often without taking into account genealogical or biological facts. Sources are usually not provided.


However, if there is a source given – for example in the case of Leopold and Fisher Family Tree – unfortunately it cannot be guaranteed that the information is correct. The information that Konrad Wahl is a son of Johann Henrich Wahl und Sophia Henk is proven to be false. Obviously, anncestry.de copied an entry as a so-called source without checking its correctness.


In a letter from 23 October 2012 the Landeskirchliche Archiv der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen confirmed that a baptims of Conrad Wahl could not be found in Berleburg (Schüllar is part of that).


An additional check with Jochen Karl Mehldau, who collected all persons in his „Wittgensteiner Familiendatei“ who were born in the Wittgenstein area between 1623 and 1875, confirmed that there was only one (Johann) Conrad Wahl who was baptized on 21 April 1784 in Berleburg and who died on 26 January 1749 in Berleburg. On this basis it is impossible to believe that Conrad Wahl was born in Berleburg or its surrounding. Neither was he a son of the above mentioned parents.


http://genforum.genealogy.com/wahl/messages/170.html provides some interesting information in which it is written: “Conrad supposedly came to America with his brothers John and George, landing in New York. As the marriage with Margaret Greiner took place in Belmont, Ohio, United States in January 1838, his entering of the United States must have been between 1835 and 1837. Margaret Greiner allegedly immigrated via Baltimore into die USA in 1832.


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